Lewisham Talking News is a free weekly digest of local news, comment, interesting articles, what’s on and useful information designed to keep you fully informed about what
is happening in your local community.
Talking News is recorded onto a USB memory stick and we’ll provide
you with a small easy-to-use player – no fuss, no bother!
Alternatively, you can listen on your own audio equipment or computer
or on line by clicking on ‘listen’ at the the top of this page.
Talking News is produced specially for people with sight impairment and is delivered by
mail each week to all areas of the borough.
We will also send you Talking News if you have moved out of the borough
but still want to keep in touch.
Note: Music on Tim Dowling, The Oldie and other tracks that contain
Intro and Outro music courtesy of David Feslyian Studios